Maine Credit Repair Laws

Maine has its own credit repair laws found in CONSUMER RIGHTS AND CREDIT
SALES§ 26. 1.

A Maine Credit Repair Company must have a $25,000 surety bond on file with the Maine Secretary of State and be registered as a Credit Repair Organization with the state.

relicensing $300, additional $20 for each additional loan officer, up to $400.

It cost approximately $600 to register with the State of Maine.

A credit repair company in Maine must also comply with Federal law relating to Credit Repair Organizations Act as well.

Bureau of Consumer Credit Protection

Credit Repair Organizations in Maine Roster

Who can I complain to about  problems with a Maine Credit Repair company?

§ 26. 1. Introduction
This consumer rights chapter describes consumer rights when entering into a credit sales
transaction or loan. Much of our advice is largely taken from information published by the Maine
Office of Consumer Credit Regulation, which is statutorily authorized to enforce Maine credit laws.
All consumer complaints concerning credit transactions (e.g., complaints dealing with mortgage
lenders, debt collectors, credit reporting agencies, arrangers of credit,
1 credit repair companies, debt
management companies, money order issuers, and retailers such as auto dealers and furniture stores
that sell on credit) should be first reported to the Office of Consumer Credit Regulation. That agency
will investigate your complaint and help you enforce your credit rights. Its address is:
Office of Consumer Credit Regulation
35 State House Station
Augusta, Maine 04333-0035
(207) 624-8527
Consumer Toll Free Line: 1-800-DEBT LAW (1-800-332-8529)
Credit complaints dealing with banks and credit cards should be referred to the Maine Bureau of
Financial Institutions. Its address is:
Consumer Outreach Program
Bureau of Financial Institutions
36 State House Station
Augusta, Maine 04333-0036
Tel: 207-624-8570
This chapter contains the following sections:
§ 26. 2. Credit Bureaus And Credit Reports
§ 26. 3. Credit Card Consumer Protections
§ 26. 4. Fair Credit Billing Laws
§ 26. 5. Debt Collection Practices
§ 26. 6. Repossessions Of Goods In Maine

See e.g., State v.Wolfe, No. CV-91-233 (Me. Super. Ct. Kenn. Cty., May 3, 1996) (illegal provider of credit services fined
$3,000 for civil violation of Maine Consumer Credit Code and $4,000 for violation of Maine Unfair Trade Practices
§ 26. 7. Check Cashing Consumer Protections
§ 26. 8. Truth In Lending Disclosures When Granting
§ 26. 9. Maximum Finance Charges
§ 26. 10. Co-signing A Loan
§ 26. 11. Lease And Rent-To-Own Purchases
§ 26. 12. Pawn Brokers
§ 26. 13. Seeking Help
§ 26. 14. Correcting An Incorrect Credit Report
§ 26. 15. Obtaining A Copy Of Your Credit Report
§ 26. 16. When The Seller Assigns Your Credit Contract To
A Finance Company
§ 26. 17. Predatory Mortgage Lending
§ 26. 2. Credit Bureaus And Credit
A. What is a Credit Report?
A credit report, also called a “consumer report,” contains information about your credit worthiness.
The information is on file with a credit bureau, or “consumer reporting agency.” The data consists of
your “track record” of payments on charge accounts, loans and credit card accounts. Credit bureaus (or
credit reporting agencies) are regulated through the Maine Fair Credit Reporting Act.2
If you apply to a company for credit, the company often obtains a credit report from a credit
bureau, to help it decide whether to grant your application. The company may obtain the information
from the credit bureau in writing, electronically or by telephone.
Credit bureaus are “information clearinghouses,” which collect and store data provided by many of
your creditors. Those creditors provide information by computer tape to credit bureaus on a periodic
basis. For a fee, the credit bureaus then assemble and deliver the information to their business
B. Rejection of a Credit Application
Maine and federal law require that a creditor inform you if a credit report was the reason for the
denial of credit. You must also be told the name and address (and, in Maine, the phone number) of the
credit bureau that provided the report, to help you contact that bureau.
You may learn all the information in your credit report by personally inspecting the files (if they
are located in the state), by requesting a copy of your report by mail, or by telephoning the credit
bureau. If you have recently been denied credit based on the report, the law requires that the bureau

10 M.R.S.A. §§ 1311-1329.
provide you with all the information on your report, upon request, at no charge to you. Further, if you
are simply curious about your credit report, a new Maine law entitles you to one free copy a year.
Credit bureaus operating wholly out-of-state may require a written request prior to releasing
information by telephone, and may charge slightly more for written reports. See §§ 26.14 and 26.15 for
how to order your credit report.
C. The Contents of a Credit Report
Report forms differ from bureau to bureau, but each contains a list of your creditors, as well as a
history of your payment habits. Specifically, the report will include:
(1) A list of current or past accounts (stores, credit cards, loans, etc.) on file with the
(2) Your credit limit, highest amount borrowed or initial balance on each account;
(3) The current status of each account;
(4) The maximum delinquency for each account (i.e., how far behind you have been
in payment during the history of the account);
(5) An “inquiry” list; in other words, a list of companies which have received copies
of your credit report; and
(6) Other information deemed relevant to your credit worthiness, including any
collection actions, bankruptcies, liens or judgments.
This information is listed using letter and number codes. The information in your credit report is
not always correct. Data regarding a debtor with a name similar to yours could have been included in
your report, or incorrect information could have been provided by various merchants to the credit
The three major credit bureaus (see below ¶ I) now release to consumers their “credit scores.” The
most widely used score is called the FICO. It is a three-digit number, from 300 to 850, with a median
score of 720. Here is a general guide, prepared by E-Loan (
(1) Excellent – scores above 730;
(2) Good – 700-729;
(3) Needs a Closer Look by Lender – 670-699;
(4) Higher Risk – 585-699; and
(5) No Credit or Limited Credit – below 585
If you have a high credit score you often are offered a lower interest rate.
D. Correcting Your Credit Report
If your credit report contains errors, circle the disputed items on your report and return the report
with a cover letter indicating you are disputing the entry. Retain a copy of each report and send the
originals back to the credit bureau. Maine law allows you to dispute any errors and requires that the
bureau complete the investigation within twenty-one (21) calendar days. (Federal law is less specific,
requiring that such investigations be completed “within a reasonable period of time.”) If at the end of
that period you are proven correct, or if the original information cannot be verified, the bureau must
remove the information from its records. It cannot reinsert the information at a later date, unless the
item is later verified. After the credit bureau completes its investigation, the law requires that it notify
you immediately of the results. Remember, Maine law places the responsibility for accuracy and
verification on the credit-reporting agency, not the consumer or reporting creditors.
Also, if one of your creditors has made a billing error, the Fair Credit Billing Act requires that it be
fixed. However, you must request correction within 60 days of receipt of the incorrect bill. See §26.14
for a sample letter to your creditor.
If a business received incorrect information before your credit report was corrected, you can ask
that the credit bureau provide them with corrected versions. You can require that the credit bureau mail
corrected reports to all those creditors who received reports during the previous six months.
E. If Your Bad Credit Report Is The Result Of A Dispute Between You And A
If your bad credit report is the result of a dispute with a business, you can summarize your
description of a disputed claim, and that summary must be included in each future report. The
information may be limited to two hundred words. (Under federal law, wholly out-of-state credit
bureaus may limit the statement to one hundred words.) As was the case with corrected information,
you may request that all creditors who received a copy of your report during the previous six months,
be provided with a new report containing your dispute wording.
Federal laws set limits on how long bad credit references can remain on your record. Those laws,
which supplement the Maine Statutes, state that bankruptcies can remain on your credit report no
longer than ten years. All other negative information must not remain more than seven years.
F. Who Can Receive A Copy Of Your Report?
Maine law allows release of your report only to persons who have a “legitimate business need” for
the information. Credit bureaus, which are private companies, provide the information to
“subscribers,” who pay for the service and who utilize the information for credit decisions. Those users
of the reports must certify their identities, and the uses to which they will put the report. The penalties
for violations of these confidentiality laws are harsh: a person who falsely obtains information from a
credit bureau, or a credit bureau employee who knowingly releases information to someone who
should not see it, may be fined and/or imprisoned by a court. In addition, a court may find a credit
bureau liable for money damages, and may order that it pay attorneys’ fees in a civil action brought by
a consumer.
G. Credit Repair Companies
“Credit Repair Companies” have the same abilities as you to discover and correct faulty credit
report information. Like you, they will be unable to rid your report of valid negative information.
For a fee, the less scrupulous of these companies flood the credit bureaus with appeals or
challenges to each and every item of derogatory credit information on your record. The intent is that
some of the information will not be verified within the statutory time allotted, and thus will be
removed from your report.
This method is not effective. Under Maine law, the time limits may not apply to a credit bureau if it
can demonstrate that the verification requests were “frivolous.” If a credit bureau argues that, without
good cause, you had challenged each and every unfavorable credit item on your report, it would likely
prevail in a showing that the appeals were frivolous. Upon such a showing, the items would likely
remain on your credit report.
It is against the law for a telemarketer to call you and ask for money up front to “clean up” your
credit record.3
If you decide to respond to a credit repair offer the Better Business Bureau suggests that you
beware companies that:
(1) do not tell you your legal rights and what you can do (legally) for free;
(2) recommend that you pay for their services before any services are provided;
(3) recommend that you do not contact a credit bureau directly; or
(4) advise you to dispute all information in your credit report or take any action that
seems illegal, such as creating a new legal identity (this can be a crime).4
Credit repair companies doing business in Maine are required to be registered. Before you decide to
pay a credit repair agency to fix your report, call the Office of Consumer Credit Regulation at 1-800-
H. Enforcing Credit Report Laws
The Maine Office of Consumer Credit Regulation enforces the Maine Fair Credit Reporting Act.5

The Bureau has the legal right to receive and investigate consumer complaints, and has the power to
hold hearings to determine whether violations of the Act have occurred.
I. Credit Bureaus (Credit Reporting Agencies) Currently Operating In The State
Of Maine
The following are the three major credit bureaus. For a copy of your report or to report fraud,
(1) Equifax –
To order your report, call: 1-800-685-1111
or write: PO Box 740241, Atlanta, GA 30374-0241
To report fraud, call: 1-800-525-6285
and write: PO Box 740241, Atlanta, GA 30374-0241
(2) Experian –
To order your report, call: 1-888-EXPERIAN (397-3742)
or write: PO Box 9595, Allen, TX 75013
To report fraud, call: 1-888-EXPERIAN (397-3742)
and write: PO Box 9595, Allen, TX 75013
(3) Trans Union –
To order your report, call: 1-800-888-4213 or 1-800-632-1765
or write: PO Box 1000, Chester, PA 19022
To report fraud, call: 1-800-680-7289
and write: Fraud Victim Assistance Division, PO Box 6790, Fullerton, CA 92634
Consumers are entitled to one free copy of their credit report every 12 months. See § 26.15 for a
sample letter to use when requesting a copy of your report. For a 2nd report during a 12-month period,
the credit bureau cannot charge you more than $5.00.6

See 9-A M.R.S.A. §§ 10-101 – 10-401. 4
See 15 U.S.C. § 1679 b; F.T.C. v. Gill, 265 F.3d 944 (9th Cir. 2001). 5
10 M.R.S.A. §§ 1311-1329.
10 M.R.S.A. § 1316 (effective September 13, 2003).
§ 26. 3. Credit Card Consumer Protections
A. Unasked For Credit Cards
According to federal and state law, you cannot be issued a credit or charge card you did not apply
for or request. However, the law says you may be sent a replacement or renewal card without filling
out another application. Note: In some cases it is legal for an issuer to send a bank credit card as a
replacement for a store credit card, such as when the store is sold to a national chain which accepts the
bank credit card.
B. Increased Charges For Use Of A Credit Card
A merchant cannot charge you more if you choose to use a credit or charge card. However, a
merchant may offer a discount from a listed price to a customer who pays cash, as long as the offer is
made known to everyone.
C. Lost Credit Cards
If you lose your credit cards, you should phone the credit card company immediately and report
that your card is missing. Your monthly billing statement will list the phone number for reporting lost
cards. The issuer will cancel your card so no unauthorized charges can be made with it.
To create a record for the credit card company and for your own files, write to the company after
you have phoned. Include in this letter your name, account number, the date you believe you lost your
card, the date you reported the card missing and the name of the person you spoke to when you called
the company.
You will not be liable if you notify your credit card issuer that your cards were lost or stolen before
unauthorized charges are made. Even if your cards are used before you report them missing, the most
you can be liable for is $50 per account.
D. Credit Card Issuers Can Be Responsible For The Acts Of Merchants
If you pay for your goods and services with your credit card and you then have a dispute with the
merchant because you think the merchant has violated the contract (e.g., did not deliver the goods you
ordered, misled you as to what goods or services would actually be provided, etc.) then any claims or
defenses (other than tort claims) you might have against the merchant can also be raised against the
issuer of your credit card.7
However, before you can refuse to pay the issuer of your credit card, the
following requirements must be met:
(1) You must have made a good faith effort to resolve your dispute with the merchant.
This can be accomplished by writing a letter to the merchant and keeping a copy
of your letter as proof that you attempted to resolve your dispute.
(2) The amount of the initial transaction with the merchant must exceed $50; and
(3) The place where the initial transaction occurred has to have been in Maine (or
within 100 miles of your Maine address).
In general when a merchant (whether in-state or out-of-state) contacts a consumer in the home,
either in person, by telephone or by mail, then the transaction is taking place in the state of Maine and
therefore any claims or defenses the consumer might have against the merchant can also be raised

9-A M.R.S.A. § 8-303(6). These limitations do not apply if the merchant itself issued or controls the credit cards you
made the purchase with.
against the credit card issuer. Do not wait more then two billing cycles to dispute the charges, in
writing, to your credit card issuer (see below ¶ ¶ E-F).
E. Common Consumer Credit Card Defenses
Here are some of the most common claims and defenses you can raise against both the merchant
and the issuer of the credit card:
(1) The merchant’s sales presentation either misrepresented a material fact, created an
impression that was false and that the seller did not believe to be true, or made a
false promise that the seller did not intend to perform or knew would not be
Also be wary of deceptive charges after a “free trial period.” See §
12.15 in this guide.
(2) The merchant violated either the Maine Consumer Solicitations Act9
or the Maine
Transient Sales Act.10 A violation of either of these statutes is both an unfair trade
practice and a Class D crime. See Chapter 13 of this Guide.
(3) The merchant was responsible for significantly violating the contract. For
example, the merchant never provided the goods or services that were described to
the consumer either in the mail solicitation or the phone solicitation or what was
provided was of poor quality.
Here are the steps you should take if you decide you have a good claim or defense against a
merchant and you made the purchase by credit card:
(1) Contact the merchant in writing and attempt to resolve the problem. There is no
specific formal procedure required, but you must make an honest attempt to
resolve your dispute. Remember to keep a copy of your letter.
(2) If the merchant will not cooperate, notify the credit card company in writing that
you are withholding payment for the disputed charge.
(3) In your notification, inform the credit card company of your name, account
number, the item, the reference number, the amount you are refusing to pay, why
you are refusing to pay, and the ways you attempted to resolve the problem. Pay
the rest of the bill as usual. (Be sure to do this within two billing cycles.)
(4) Keep in touch with the credit card company and pay the disputed amount if you
still owe it, once the problem has been resolved.
(5) If you were denied a refund and still dispute the charge, complain to the
Comptroller of the Currency’s Consumer Assistance Group (800-613-6743;

9-A M.R.S.A. § 5-117.
32 M.R.S.A. §§ 4661-4671. The Maine Consumer Solicitation Sales Act applies to mail orders when a salesman contacts
the consumer in the consumer’s home “by means of and including, but not limited to, a personal visit or a telephone call
upon the consumer…without the consumer soliciting the initial contact ….” 32 M.R.S.A. § 4662. 10 32 M.R.S.A. §§ 14701-14716. The Transient Sales Act applies when the seller contacts the consumer by mail and offers
“merchandise or money prizes as free of charge, such as contest prizes or gifts for answering a survey, but who requires
the recipient to pay something of value in order to participate in this offer, including but not limited to, entrance fees,
processing fees or handling charges.” 32 M.R.S.A. § 14701(8).
F. Credit Card Billing Errors
Consumers can also challenge “billing errors” made by the issuer of the credit card.11 Included in
billing errors are:
(1) An inaccurate bill or an incorrect billing for a product or service the consumer
never ordered;
(2) A billing statement indicates that goods or services were delivered to the
consumer when in fact they were not or not delivered in accordance with the
agreement the consumer made with the seller;
(3) A computation error or similar error of an accounting nature; or
(4) The creditor’s failure to send a periodic statement to the consumer’s last known
If there is an error on your credit card bill, you should write to the credit card company on a
separate piece of paper. Do not write on your bill. Do not send the letter to the regular billing address.
The letter should be sent to the listed credit card “billing error” address, stating that an error has been
made. You should include:
(1) your name and address;
(2) the account number; and
(3) the nature and the amount of the error.
This notice is effective only if the company receives it within 60 days of the date the bill was first
sent to you. Note: Your billing rights, and the billing “error” address, should be printed on the front or
back of each credit card statement.12
If your billing problem is not resolved within 30 days, the company must acknowledge your
complaint and begin an investigation. Within 60 days after that, the company must either correct the
item or explain to you in writing why it feels the charge is correct.
You do not have to pay the amount of the bill you dispute while it is being investigated. NOTE:
The portion of the bill not in dispute must be paid as usual. However, if the investigation proves that
you were wrong and the company is right, you will be expected to pay the charges as well as any
additional finance charges incurred during the delay. See also § 26.4 for a more detailed discussion of
these rights.
G. Credit Card Rights Can Be Difficult To Enforce
While consumers greatly benefit from these credit card rights, they can often be difficult to
enforce. Here is a description of some of the problems facing credit card customers:13
Some 75 million U.S. consumers now charge more than $200 billion a year on their 200
million bankcards. The cards have obvious advantages, including the neat monthly record of
purchases and the chance to withhold payment on anything undelivered or unacceptable.
But there can be problems. Bankcards are actually rather difficult products that leave many
people feeling helpless. No descriptive receipts come with the bill, not paying in full kicks off a

11 9-A M.R.S.A. § 8-401.
12 9-A M.R.S.A. §§ 8-401-8-404.
13 See Diamond, “Disputing Credit Card Charges,” The Washington Post H7 (September 2, 1990) (reprinted from the Los
Angeles Times).
retroactive loan that can go back two months and finance charges are applied according to
variable and incomprehensible formulas that very few customers understand.
There are even unexpected dangers. An unfamiliar name appearing on a bill could be a
business billing in the name of its owner corporation, a confusing practice prohibited by the
operating rules of both the MasterCard and Visa associations. It could also indicate a credit
card receipt “laundering” scheme, in which some disreputable business (often, these days, a
telemarketing firm) gets a cardholder’s account numbers, then contracts with a legitimate (if
greedy) business to bill them for inferior goods or fictitious purchases. Many consumers,
apparently, pay without question.
The applicable regulations are also difficult. Consumers must figure out whether they have
a billing error (wrong charge, wrong item, something not delivered) or a dispute over the
quality of goods or services purchased. If the problem is a billing error, they must file their
dispute within 60 days, wait up to 90 days for their bank’s “reasonable investigation” and need
not pay the disputed charges or related finance charges during that time.
If the charge was theirs, they must pay up, and banks can (but rarely do) tack finance
charges onto that amount. But whether the consumer was right or wrong, finance charges
cannot be applied to any undisputed amounts if withholding the disputed amount was what
kicked off the finance charge. Someone with thousands in charges who paid all but a disputed
$20 should not pay interest on all his purchases because he was $20 short of full payment. It
would “discourage people from disputing charges at all,” said Nessa Feddis, federal counsel at
the district-based American Bankers Association.
The third difficulty is the dispute procedure, involving not just the consumer and merchant,
but also the relentless computer and several intermediaries concerned about monies they have
already advanced. The “reasonable investigation” required of the cardholder’s bank often
involves just sending the charge back to the merchant, who can still refuse the “charge-back,”
at which point the cardholder is told to pay up.
What’s more, bank service representatives do not always understand the procedure
themselves. “They may not tell card-holders they have to write,” said Gerry Detweiler,
education coordinator at Bankcard Holders of America, a Washington-based consumer group,
and “later, the issuer can say ‘Sorry, you didn’t put it in writing’.” They may tell consumers
that they cannot dispute charges already paid (although they can), or may give them,
erroneously, the rules for asserting a quality dispute (telling them, for example, that they must
first try to resolve the dispute directly with the merchant).
Many, Detweiler said, press the consumer “for irrefutable proof that he is right,” when they
should be pressing the merchant for his proofs. And when the merchant insists that the charge
is valid, it’s over: “The bank’s whole ‘resolution’ is the merchant’s word,” said Elgie Holstein,
director of Bankcard Holders.
If you believe you’ve been improperly charged for an item, but are confused as to how to proceed,
make sure you write or call the Maine Bureau of Financial Institutions (207-624-8570). The Bureau is
experienced with credit card issues and can advise you on how to proceed.
§ 26. 4. Fair Credit Billing Laws
A. Introduction – Disputing Bills For Credit Purchases
Both federal and state fair credit-billing laws provide protection to consumers who dispute a bill
for a purchase made on credit.14 This includes telephone transactions. The following disputes are
(1) Charges not made by the consumer or anyone authorized to use the account;
(2) Incorrect charges for which the wrong amount or date is shown;
(3) Charges for goods or services the consumer did not accept or were not delivered
as agreed;
(4) Computational or similar errors;
(5) Failure to reflect payment or other credits;
(6) Not mailing or delivering bills to the consumer’s current address (provided a
change of address was given at least 20 days before the end of the billing period);
(7) Charges for which consumers request an explanation or written proof of purchase.
B. How To Settle A Dispute
Consumers should act immediately after an incorrect charge appears on a bill by writing to the
creditor and giving notice of the error. This written notice must reach them within 60 days of the
error’s first appearance on the bill. A letter to the creditor or bank should include the following
(1) Name and account number;
(2) Statement of why the bill is incorrect and dollar amount involved; and
(3) Documents supporting your claim (e.g., copies of the bill, sales slip, etc).
The letter should be sent by certified mail, with a return receipt requested for proof of mailing and
receipt dates. Photocopies of sales slips or other documents may be enclosed, but originals should be
kept as records.
The creditor must respond to the customer’s letter within 30 days after receipt and must investigate
the complaint within 2 billing cycles (but not more than 90 days), and either correct the bill error or
give an explanation. The consumer need not pay the disputed amount or any relevant finance charges
while the bill is under dispute, but should pay all other charges not related to that amount. During the
dispute, the creditor cannot report the account to a credit agency, or take any collection action. The
account may not be closed or restricted, but the disputed amount may be applied against the credit
If the outcome of the investigation is in the customer’s favor, the creditor must change the account
and explain the billing error or dispute. All finance charges, late fees and other charges relating to the
disputed amount must be removed. If the customer does not win the dispute, that amount must be paid
by the customer as well as finance charges accumulated during the investigation. The customer may
still write to the creditor within 10 days after receiving the notice and refuse to pay, but collection
procedures may begin. However, if the customer is reported to a credit bureau, it must be noted that the
amount is under dispute. Consumers must be notified of who receives such reports.

14 See 9-A M.R.S.A. § 8-401-8-404, Maine Fair Credit Billing Act.
§ 26. 5. Debt Collection Practices
A. Introduction
Federal and state law prohibits abusive, deceptive and unfair collection practices by debt collectors
under The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.15 These laws apply to all collection agencies conducting
business within Maine and any debt collector collecting or attempting to collect a debt from a resident
of the state. Most reputable debt collectors comply with these laws. The law will not permit debt
collectors to use unjust means while attempting to collect a debt.16 But the law does not cancel
genuine debts that consumers owe. When you have a purchase billed to you or make a purchase on
credit, you are expected to pay your bills at the agreed times. After all, the merchant has paid for the
products and has met all other costs before receiving any money from you. So, the merchant has the
right to expect the proper payment at the proper time.
B. Fair Debt Collection Practices Act
The federal and Maine Fair Debt Collection Practices Acts cover personal, family and household
debts, such as money owed for the purchase of a car, for medical care or for charge accounts. Under
this law, a debt collector is anyone other than the person to whom you owe money or that person’s
attorney, who regularly collects debts for others. Not all debt collectors are subject to these laws. It
does not apply to banks, other lenders, or businesses which collect their own accounts, using their own
names. Some of the more common types of debt collectors covered by these debt collection laws are
collection agencies, letter-writing collection companies and repossession companies. Maine law
requires lawyers who regularly collect debts to adhere to the same restrictions imposed on all other
debt collectors.
Debt collection agencies and repossession companies that work for Maine creditors must first
obtain a debt collector license from the Office of Consumer Credit Regulation. If any such company
violates the law or acts unfairly toward a Maine consumer, the company can be required to defend
themselves in a regulatory hearing and its right to operate in Maine can be revoked.
C. Prohibited Debt Collection Practices
The following practices are prohibited by the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act:
(1) A debt collector may not harass, oppress, or abuse any person (e.g., use threats of
violence to harm anyone or anyone’s property or reputation; use obscene or
profane language);
(2) A debt collector cannot publish or publicize a list of consumers that says you have
refused to pay your debts;
(3) A debt collector must not be unfair in attempting to collect any debt (e.g., contact
you by postcard; threaten legal action unless the creditor (not the debt collection
agency) intends to take such action);
(4) A debt collector may not use any false statements when collecting any debt (e.g.,
falsely imply that the debt collector represents the United States government or
any local government agency; falsely imply that the debt collector is an attorney);
(5) A debt collector may not give false credit information about you to anyone; and
(6) A debt collector may not say that you will be arrested or imprisoned if you do not

15 32 M.R.S.A. §§ 11001-11054.
16 See 32 M.R.S.A. §§ 11011-11016, for a description of what collection measures will be considered deceptive, oppressive
or abusive.
pay your debt or that the collector will seize, garnish, attach or sell your property
or wages unless the creditor intends to do so and it is legal. In Maine, it is not
legal to do any of these things prior to a court judgment on the validity of a debt
incurred in a credit contract (i.e., payment of interest or finance charges). Under
certain circumstances, other debts can result in the attachment of property (but not
wages) prior to a court hearing.
D. What If You Are Sued On A Debt?
If you are sued by a creditor for a debt either in Small Claims or District Court, you may be
tempted to ignore the complaint. Do not do so. Failure to respond to a complaint served by the Court
by filing a written answer with the Court clerk can result in a default judgment enforceable by the
creditor against you and your assets. This judgment in most cases cannot be reviewed or changed.
E. What If The Debt Collector Breaks The Law?
You have the right to sue a debt collector in a state or federal court within one year from the date
the debt collection law was violated. You may recover money for actual damage you suffered by the
debt collector and additional damages as allowed by a court up to $1,000. Court costs and attorneys’
fees can also be recovered.17
F. How May A Debt Collector Contact You?
A debt collector may contact you in person, by mail, telephone, or telegram. However, it can’t be at
an inconvenient or unusual time or place, such as before 8 a.m. or after 9 p.m., unless you agree. A
debt collector may not contact you at work if your employer objects.
You can stop a debt collector from contacting you by saying so in writing. The letter you send to
the debt collector should say something similar to: “I’m hereby exercising my rights under federal
law and I want you to stop contacting me. I will deal with my creditor directly.” The letter should
be sent by certified mail to the debt collector with a return receipt requested. Remember to keep a copy
of the letter for yourself. Once you tell a debt collector not to contact you the debt collector can no
longer do so, except to tell you that there will be no further contact. Also, the debt collector may notify
you that some specific action may be taken, but only if the debt collector or the person to whom you
owe money usually takes such action.
G. What Other Persons Can A Debt Collector Contact?
A debt collector may contact any person to locate you, or verify your address. However, the debt
collector must:
(1) Only tell people that the purpose is to try to confirm or correct location
information such as your address, telephone number or place of employment;
(2) Only contact your attorney if the attorney is representing you concerning this debt.
The debt collector may contact your spouse, parent (if you are a minor), guardian, executor or
The debt collector must not:
(1) Tell anybody else that you owe money;
(2) In most cases, talk to any person more than once;

17 32 M.R.S.A. § 11054.
(3) Use a post card;
(4) Put anything on an envelope or in a letter or telegram that identifies the writer as a
debt collector.
H. What Is The Debt Collector Required To Tell You About Your Debt?
Within 5 days after you are first contacted, the debt collector must send you a written notice telling
(1) The amount of money you owe;
(2) The name of the person to whom you owe the money;
(3) The debt will be assumed to be valid unless disputed within 30 days.
The notice must also tell you that, if the bill is disputed, the collector will verify it and send a copy
of the verification or copy of the judgment against the consumer and that, upon request, the name and
address of the original person to whom you owe money, if changed, will be provided.
I. Disputing A Bill
A debt collector must not contact you if you send a letter within 30 days after you were first
contacted saying that you dispute the bill and that you do not owe the money. However, a debt
collector can begin collection activities again if you are sent proof of the bill, such as a copy of the bill.
§ 26. 6. Repossessions Of Goods In Maine
A. Introduction
Creditors who have a security interest (a potential ownership right) in an item in order to secure a
debt (e.g., a stove, television, car, etc.) have the general right to repossess goods that consumers are
unable to pay for. This right to repossess is regulated by The Maine Consumer Credit Code’s
Limitations on Creditors’ Remedies.18 Any repossession for failure to make required payments must be
preceded by a “Notice Of Right To Cure Default,” which warns the consumer that failure to pay can
result in repossession of the goods.19 If the creditor takes possession of the goods and the amount
financed is $2,800 or less, then the consumer is no longer personally liable for the unpaid balance of
the debt.20 In order to illustrate how repossessions can occur, this section will describe in detail
consumer rights when a car is being repossessed.21
B. Repossession Of An Automobile: Notice Of Right To Cure Default
When default results from failure by the consumer to make a required automobile payment,
repossession may not occur until the consumer has been provided with a valid “Notice of Right to Cure
Default” and the cure period has passed. The Notice may not be given until the default has existed for
at least 10 days. Repossession may be pursued without such a notice and cure period only if the default
occurs within 12 months after an earlier default in which an earlier Notice had been provided to that
consumer, or if the default is for reasons other than a failure to make a required payment. NOTE: To
prove mailing of a Cure Notice, creditor files should contain a dated “certified mail” or “certificate of

18 9-A M.R.S.A. §§ 5-101-5-117.
19 9-A M.R.S.A. § 5-110.
20 9-A M.R.S.A. §§ 5-103(2).
21 An excellent summary of your repossession rights can be found in the Office of Consumer Credit Regulation’s free 1993
publication, “Downeaster Guide To Debt Collection and Repossession,” available by calling 1-800-DEBT LAW.
mailing” receipt for each debtor.22 If a consumer has filed a bankruptcy petition, such filing effects an
“automatic stay” on all collection activity, including repossessions.
A notice to cure is not necessary if the consumer has voluntarily surrendered possession of the car
or if the consumer is in default in some manner other than a failure to make a required car payment.23
For example, if you are required to maintain insurance coverage on the vehicle and you fail to do so.
C. No Breach Of The Peace
A creditor or its agent cannot use force or breach the peace,24 and cannot enter into a dwelling to
repossess a vehicle. If a consumer responds to a threatened repossession by blocking passage to a
vehicle or getting into the vehicle, the creditor or its agents must immediately cease repossession
efforts. In fact, the Maine Office of Consumer Credit Protection is of the opinion that it can be a breach
of the peace if the consumer resists verbally to repossession.25 In the absence of a court order, creditors
may not use police officers, sheriff’s deputies or other public officials to assist in repossessing
collateral. Creditors may not intimidate or harass consumers in order to accomplish repossession.
D. Property In The Vehicle
Any property which can easily be detached from (and is not “integral” to) the vehicle must be
immediately made available to the owner. Creditors must make a written inventory of all such
property, and notify consumers of the property’s availability as soon as possible after repossession.
E. Storage Of The Vehicle
All actions of the creditor with respect to repossessed collateral must be commercially reasonable.
In its examination of credit records, the Office of Consumer Credit Regulation will disallow
unreasonable charges which accrue during storage. Unless storage charges can be justified (due to the
probability of redemption, or to await an advantageous change in the sale price), such costs may be
reduced. If a decision is made to store a vehicle to wait for more seasonable conditions (for example,
storing a motorcycle during the winter, for sale in the spring), the creditor must be able to show that it
could have expected that the increase in sale price, due to the delay, would exceed the storage fees for
the period in question.
F. Notice Of Right Of Redemption
The Uniform Commercial Code requires notice to the consumer of the date of a public sale, or of a
date after which a private sale may occur. The notice tells a consumer of his or her right to pay the
balance (including reasonable repossession expenses) to redeem the collateral. This notice is in
addition to any Notice of Right to Cure Default which may have already been provided to the
consumer. If a creditor proposes to keep the property in full satisfaction of the debt, consumers must be
notified in writing of their right to require a sale, if they so desire.

22 See Griffin v. Chrysler Credit Corp., 553 A.2d 653, 654 (Me.1989). (Under the Consumer Credit Code, U. S. Post Office
certificate of mailing of notice to consumer concerning default and right to cure was conclusive proof, not a rebuttable
presumption, that consumer had received notice.) 23 See In re Galligan, 10 B.R. 841 (Bkrtcy. Me. 1981). 24 9-A M.R.S.A. 5-112. 25 In October, 1993, the Wisconsin Court of Appeals held that a verbal objection by a consumer should suffice to stop a
creditor’s repossession effort, and that failure to heed the verbal objection constitutes a breach of the peace in violation
of state law. See Hollibush v. Ford Motor Credit Co., Wisconsin Court of Appeals, No. 92-0801, reported in Consumer
Credit Guide, 1/18/94, ¶95,487). The Court reasoned that a verbal objection customarily precedes violence, and that
public policy requires that it not be necessary for consumers to resort to physical violence in order to establish a breach
of the peace.
G. Resale Of Repossessed Vehicle
Any resale must be advertised and conducted in a commercially reasonable manner. Except in
certain limited circumstances, the creditor may not itself purchase the collateral unless it is sold at a
public sale. In a recent case involving a large Maine used car dealer and its financing arm, the
Attorney General filed an Unfair Trade Practice Complaint26 against Credit Now for secretly
purchasing repossessed cars at a dealer’s-only wholesale auction and then selling them again off a
Credit Now retail lot. This “churning” of repossessed cars allegedly allowed Credit Now to obtain not
only loan deficiencies based on relatively low wholesale auction prices but also, when it later sold the
vehicles off its retail lots, high retail prices that it did not have to share with the defaulting consumers.
Since the creditor (Credit Now) must return to the defaulting consumer any “surplus” from the sale of
the repossessed car (money in excess of the consumer debt), this churning allowed Credit Now to
avoid returning surpluses to consumers. The State settled its case with Credit Now and as a result
Credit Now, without admitting any wrongdoing, forgave the debts of approximately 600 consumers
and paid a $40,000 Civil Penalty.
Dealers and creditors frequently dispose of repossessed automobiles at auctions which are open
only to auto dealers and which do not permit debtor or other retail buyer participation. These auctions,
whether considered to be private or public sales, could well be vulnerable to claims that they are
commercially unreasonable because the wholesale price could be too low compared to the price that
could be obtained if the vehicle had been sold at retail. This argument can be particularly persuasive if
the company repossessing the vehicle also owns its own retail lots.
Dealer-only auctions may also be unfair because they are closed to the debtors and they have no
way to protect their interests. Uniform Commercial Code, 11 M.R.S.A. § 9-504, Official Comment #5,
in explaining the notice of resale required to be sent to the debtor, states that: “[A]t a minimum it must
be sent in such time that persons entitled to receive it will have sufficient time to take appropriate steps
to protect their interest by taking part in the sale or other disposition, if they so desire.” This
suggests that the possibility of debtor participation could be a requirement of commercial
When a creditor repossesses collateral and resells it at a public sale, one of the requirements of the
U.C.C. is that the creditor give notice of the intended sale to members of the public who might be
expected to buy at the sale. The advertising and notice of the sale must give prospective buyers enough
time to make arrangements necessary to attend the sale and purchase the collateral, if they wish. In
addition, advertising must adequately describe the goods to be sold and the condition of sale.
H. Voluntary Repossessions
The most common complaint at the Office of Consumer Credit Regulation concerning
repossessions occurs when consumers are surprised by a “Notice of Deficiency Balance” after having
been led to believe (or not having been disabused of the belief) that voluntary return of the automobile
would satisfy the debt in full. If a dealer intends to treat a voluntary return as repossession and if the
dealer intends to report it as such on the consumer’s credit report, the consumer should not be misled
about these intentions. Remember, if you have any complaints about the repossession of your
automobile, they should be referred to the Office of Consumer Credit Regulation (35 State House
Station, Augusta, Maine 04333-0035, 207-624-8527; 1-800-DEBT LAW). Repossession is considered
a collection activity in Maine, and any repossession companies conducting activities within Maine’s
borders must first obtain a debt collector’s license.

26 State v. Linnehan Leasing (d/b/a/ Credit Now Auto Company), and Atlantic Acceptance, No. CV-02-111 (Me. Super. Ct.,
Kenn. Cty., May 7, 2002) (UTPA Consent Decree required defendants to forgive over $2,800,000 in outstanding loans
to consumers whose cars were churned and pay a $40,000 Civil Penalty).
§ 26. 7. Check Cashing Consumer
A. Returned Check Charges
A creditor is limited in how large of a returned check charge can be assessed when a consumer’s
installment or credit payment is not honored. First, the creditor can pass on to the consumer any fees
that the creditor’s bank charged it to process the returned checks. In addition, a creditor can use
Maine’s “Civil Liability for Bad Checks” law (see below ¶ C), and send a notice giving the consumer
10 days to pay bank fees and postage cost before seeking a private remedy. Returned checks for
charges may be utilized in “cash sales” by merchants, so long as the merchant can prove that
assessment of such a charge was a condition of cashing or honoring the check. Posting and publicizing
the policy adds to consumer awareness and strengthens the merchant’s claim to entitlement of such a
B. Requiring A Credit Card For Identification
Merchants should be aware that they cannot require a bank credit card as a form of identification
when a consumer presents a check (if the customer does not have one). However, the law does not
prohibit the merchant from requiring other forms of reasonable identification.27
C. Civil Liability For Bad Checks
Maine law allows anyone receiving a bad check to give to the issuer of the check a notice
demanding reimbursement for the amount of the check, plus bank fees and mailing costs, within 10
days. If the notice is ignored, a Small Claims Court action assessing attorneys’ fees, service costs,
processing charges and interest may be brought.28 Remember, intentionally negotiating a worthless
instrument (i.e., “bouncing” a check) can be a criminal offense.29
§ 26. 8. Truth In Lending Disclosures When
Granting Credit
Credit costs vary. By remembering two terms, you can compare credit prices from different
sources. Under the federal and Maine Consumer Truth in Lending (TIL) laws,30 the creditor must tell
you—in writing and before you sign any agreement—the finance charge and the annual percentage
The finance charge is the total dollar amount you pay to use credit. It includes interest costs, and
other costs, such as service charges and some credit-related insurance premiums. For example,
borrowing $100 for a year might cost you $10 in interest. If there were also a service charge of $1, the
finance charge would be $11.
The annual percentage rate (APR) is the percentage cost (or relative cost) of credit on a yearly
basis. This is your key to comparing costs, regardless of the amount of credit or how long you have to
repay it.

27 10 M.R.S.A. § 1131
28 14 M.R.S.A. § 6071 et seq. 29 17-A M.R.S.A. § 708.
30 9-A M.R.S.A. §§ 8-101-8-404. Even if a TIL disclosure does not violate TIL, it can still be an illegal unfair trade
practice; See e.g., Thernien v. Resource Financial Group, 704 F. Supp. 322 (D.N.H. 1989). 31 This disclosure requirement applies even if the loan is for a use that is part commercial. See Vicnire v. Ford Motor
Credit Co., 401 A. 2d 148, 151-152 (Me. 1979) (law applies to vehicle purchase when vehicle was the only family
vehicle, even though it also has a secondary use of transporting cattle).
Again, suppose you borrow $100 for one year and pay a finance charge of $10. If you keep the
entire $100 for the full year and then pay back $110 at the end of the year, you are paying an APR of
10%. But if you repay the $100 and finance charge (a total of $110) in 12 equal monthly installments,
you do not really get to use the $100 for the whole year. In fact, you get to use less and less of that
$100 each month. In this case, the $10 charge for credit amounts to an APR of 18%.
All creditors—banks, stores, car dealers, credit card companies, and finance companies—must
state the cost of their credit in terms of the finance charge and the APR.
§ 26. 9. Maximum Finance Charges
Maine law puts specific limitations on the interest rates that can be charged when consumers
purchase goods on credit. In general, there are two kinds of credit sales: (1) an “open-end credit” sale,
which primarily includes credit card and home-equity “line of credit” transactions; and (2) “fixed-term
credit” (also called “closed end”) transactions, which include, for example, bank loans for the purchase
of a car.32 For example, Maine fixed term credit rate limits include the following:
A. Purchase of a Car (fixed-term credit): 18% per year (does not apply to auto loans);
B. Finance Charges for Home Repairs (fixed-term credit): 18% per year on the unpaid
balance of the amount financed;
C. Manufactured Housing Loans (fixed-term credit): not more than 2% greater than the
maximum established by federal regulations, or 18% per year, and;
D. Fixed-Term Loans33 (not including loans for manufactured housing):
(1) The total of:
(a) 30% per year on that part of the unpaid balance of the amount financed
which is $1000 or less;
(b) 21% per year on that part of the unpaid balance of the amount financed
which is more than $1000 but does not exceed $2,800; and
(c) 15% per year on that part of the unpaid balance of the amount financed
which is more than $2,800; or
(2) 18% per year on the unpaid balance of the amount financed, whichever is
E. Insurance Premium Loans: may not exceed 18% per year.

The finance charge limits for consumer loans (other than a loan pursuant to open-end credit) can be
found at 9-A M.R.S.A. § 2-401 to 2-402.
Violation of these credit limits is the modern version of the ancient offense of “usury.” But these
limits are valid only for transactions taking place in the State of Maine or with a credit card issued by a
Maine institution. If a creditor has contracted for or received a charge in excess of these amounts, then
the debtor may be entitled to a refund and a civil penalty of not less than $250 nor more than $1,000.
Attorney fees might also be recoverable.34 Keep an eye out for “hidden” finance charges. For

32 These limits are set forth in detail at 9-A M.R.S.A. §§2-201 – 2-202.
33 See below, § 26.12, for limits placed on pawnshop transactions. 34 9-A M.R.S.A. § 5-201(4). See Poussard v. Commercial Credit Plan, 479 A.2d 881, 885-86 (Me. 1984) (award of
$20,000 in attorneys’ fees for violations involving several credit statutes and Unfair Trade Practices Act was not
excessive, even though the total recovery of the plaintiff was only $10,000).
example, a seller might offer an item (e.g., a used car) at a specific price and then increase the price
when the buyer reveals that he or she needs financing. When the buyer questions the reason for the
increase the seller might answer; “If you’re going to finance this purchase I have to charge you an
additional finance fee.” This is an illegal finance charge and a form of “bait and switch.” You could
also be paying an illegally high finance charge (once you add in the deceptive last minute price
increase).35 If you suspect you’ve been the victim of a hidden finance charge, contact the Maine Office
of Consumer Credit Regulation (207-624-8527).
§ 26. 10. Co-signing A Loan
At some time or other almost everyone has been asked by a friend, relative or colleague to co-sign
a loan. Before co-signing anything, however, the Office of Consumer Credit Regulation recommends
that you read and understand the following information that the Federal Trade Commission requires to
be given to all potential co-signers:
You are being asked to guarantee this debt. Think carefully before you do. If the borrower
doesn’t pay the debt, you will have to. Be sure you can afford to pay if you have to, and if
you do indeed want to accept this responsibility. You may have to pay the full amount of the
debt if the borrower does not pay. You may also have to pay late fees or collection costs,
which increases this amount. The creditor can use the same collection methods against you as
the borrower, such as suing you, garnishing your wages, etc. If this debt is ever in default, the
fact may become part of your credit record. Consider the following: some studies indicate
that, with certain types of loans, three out of four co-signers are asked to repay the loan. You
are being asked to take a risk that a professional lender will not take. And if you decide to cosign a loan, be sure you get copies of all important papers, and consider asking the lender to
inform you if the borrower misses a payment, thereby giving you time to resolve the problem
before it gets out of hand.
§ 26. 11. Lease And Rent-To-Own
In recent years, the Legislature has enacted new protections for consumers entering into lease or
rent-to-own agreements. For example, consumer leases are subject to the Maine Unfair Trade
Practices Act36 and lessors cannot disclaim implied warranties.37 Consumers entering into a rent-toown contract now are guaranteed full disclosure of their rights and responsibilities38 and are protected
from unfair practices39 and repossessions.40 Also, rent-to-own merchants must display a point-ofrental placard on any display item offered for rental/purchase, so that shoppers can better understand
the cost of renting versus purchasing the item and whether the item is new or used.
§ 26. 12. Pawnbrokers
Pawnbrokers are regulated by the Office of Consumer Credit Regulation.41 Consumers who pawn

35 See State of Maine v. Wilson Street Automotive (Penobscot Superior Court Consent Decree, Docket Number CV-94-65,
July 15,1996). 36 11 M.R.S.A. § 2-1104.
37 11 M.R.S.A. § 2-1214(5).
38 9-A M.R.S.A. § 11-108.
39 9-A M.R.S.A. § 11-109.
40 9-A M.R.S.A. § 11-113.
41 30-A M.R.S.A. §§ 3960-3963.
items will now receive a Truth-In-Lending (TIL) disclosure form which will state:
A. The amount financed;
B. The finance charge;
C. Total of payments; and
D. Annual percentage rate (the cost of your credit on a yearly rate).
The interest rate on pawnbroker loans cannot exceed 25% each month on that part of the loan
which is $500 or less and 20% each month on that part of the loan which is more than $500, made
upon the property pawned.42 Pawnbrokers must be either licensed by the municipality or have a state
lender’s license. This new law covers not only traditional pawns but also “purchase with right to
repurchase agreements.” Failure to follow this new law is not only a Consumer Credit Code violation,
but can also be a violation of the Maine Unfair Trade Practices Act.
§ 26. 13. Seeking Help
The Maine Office of Consumer Credit Regulation enforces Maine’s many credit laws. If you have
a credit related complaint, contact this agency (207-624-8527 or toll free (consumers only) in Maine:
1-800-DEBT LAW) and they will help resolve your problem. This agency’s address is:
Maine Office of Consumer Credit Regulation
35 State House Station
Augusta, Maine 04333-0035
Consumer Credit Regulation no longer deals with credit card complaints. If your credit card was
issued by a bank charted outside Maine, as is usually the case (e.g., the AT&T card is issued by
Universal Bank, NA; the Discover Card is issued by Sears National Bank, etc.), then any consumer
complaints would be handled by the U.S. Comptroller of the Currency. You can reach one of the
Office of Comptroller of the Currency’s customer assistance specialists by:
A. Telephoning 1-800-613-6743, toll-free (Monday-Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. CST);
B. E-mailing—E-mail to:;
C. Fax—Faxing to: 1-713-336-4301, or;
D. Sending mail to: Customer Assistance Group, 1301 McKinney Street, Suite 3450,
Houston, TX 77010
If your card was issued by a Maine Chartered bank, than you should complain to the Maine Bureau
of Financial Institutions. For advice on how to complain, call the Bureau of Financial Institution’s
Consumer Outreach Program at 207-624-8570.
§ 26. 14. Correcting An Incorrect Credit
Creditors must make accurate reports to credit reporting agencies, and credit reporting agencies
must maintain accurate records. If you find an inaccuracy in your credit report, the best way to fix it is
to dispute the item in writing directly with the credit reporting agency. To obtain copies of your credit
report, see the form letter in § 26.15 and the addresses listed in § 26.2 (I). Under Maine law, once you
notify a credit reporting agency in writing of an inaccuracy, the agency has 21 days to either prove that

42 30-A M.R.S.A. § 3963(1).
the item is accurate or delete it from your file. In any 12-month period your first request to a credit
reporting agency for your credit report is free; your second request cannot cost more than $5.
Another method for correcting an inaccuracy is to write to the business/creditor that is making
incorrect report. Here is a form letter you can use.
Credit Manager
Company Name of Creditor
City, State, Zip
Dear Sir or Madam:
I’m writing under the provisions of the Fair Credit Billing
Act to request that you correct your entry in my file at the
(name of Credit Bureau). The entry incorrectly states
that….[explain the error] I have attached to this letter the incorrect report and have
circled the error. Please make this correction and confirm it
to me within 90 days as required by law. Thank you.
Your Name
City, State, Zip
Phone #
Pc: Office of Consumer Credit Regulation (35 State House
Station, Augusta, ME 04333-0035)
§ 26. 15. Obtaining A Copy Of Your Credit
Here is a form letter you can use to obtain a copy of your credit report. Addresses of the credit
bureau reporting agencies are listed at § 26.2(I).
XYZ Credit Bureau
City, State, Zip
Dear Sir or Madam:
Please send me a copy of my credit profile. Following is the pertinent information:
Social Security Number: _____________________________
Birth Date: ________________________________________
Present Residence: __________________________________
Past Residences (the last five years): ____________________
Your Name
City, State, Zip
§ 26. 16. When The Seller Assigns Your Credit
Contract To A Finance Company
Often when a consumer obtains credit financing in order to purchase an expensive consumer good,
the seller will immediately assign the credit contract to a finance company. When that happens the
consumer must pay the balance owed to the assignee finance company, not the creditor. But what
happens if the consumer was the victim of an unfair or deceptive trade practice by the seller? Who can
the consumer seek relief from? Thanks to the FTC Holder Rule the consumer can seek relief from
both the seller and the assignee finance company. This is because the Holder Rule states that the
finance company which purchases a consumer credit contract does so subject to any defenses the
consumer might have against the seller.
Based on the FTC Holder Rule, the Maine Attorney General has filed Unfair Trade Practice
complaints not only against the seller but also the assignee finance company. This happened in the
case of State of Maine v. The Meat Market, National Credit Corporation, and Fair Finance Company.
The Attorney General alleged that consumers were deceived into purchasing large amounts of frozen
meats on credit. The Meat Market had immediately assigned these credit contracts to out of state
finance companies. Eventually, the Meat Market and the finance companies entered into a court
ordered Consent Decree (while denying any wrongdoing) and consumers received back well over
$30,000.00 in restitution.43
§ 26. 17. Predatory Mortgage Lending
Maine has strengthened its Truth-In-Lending law (9-A M.R.S.A. §§ 8-101, 8-403) and its treatment
of predatory lending practices. Public Law 2003, Chapter 49 prohibits high-rate, high-fee mortgages
from charging default charges in excess of 5% of the default amount and limits the fees that may be
charged during multiple refinancing, deferrals and extensions of these mortgages. The law also
clarifies the concurrent jurisdiction of the Bureau of Financial Institutions and the Office of Consumer
Credit Regulation over high-rate, high-fee mortgages depending on the type of entity responsible for
selling the mortgage.